Beauty Products

Shiseido Cleansing Foam
Sample from TKY hotel.
It can easily remove eyeliners and mascara by using just one product

DiorSkin Nude
Sample from Credit Card promotion
Very thin foundation. Enough coverage. Won't be super dry. I should get this after I used up my chanel / armani

Klorane Conditioner
I bought it from Paris to fix my hair before photo shoot, after the Blue Lagoon further damaged my unhealthy hair. It helps to soften/detangled them and look shiny after dry. Cost me EUR20+, heard that it's avail @ SaSa



《天竺靈籤第三十五》(吉)籤詩:「射鹿須乘箭,故僧引路歸,遇道同仙籍,光華映晚暉。」「解曰:此卦求名必遂,當遇陰貴人指引,食祿榮顯,財帛昌盛;庶 人占之,主晚年光顯,倍獲財帛;卦中宜出外,百事有望。」兆象:「求官吉,求財吉,孕生男,婚成蚕,熟病安,移徙利,出往吉,公事吉,行人至,失物在,謀 事成。」圖為一人官服彎弓射鹿、一婦人、一僧人引路。

Tokyo Snacks - Tokyo Banana Giraffe

Don't know why SHE always calls it 豹紋 :P